Now days we can realize that what is the importance of oxygen in our life? We have to have compelled to purchase oxygen from outside in a cylinder to relief from the lunch related and lack of oxygen related problems. But we do know that a tree a full-grown tree I can easily provide as such oxygen that can be easily breathable for four young persons. In the recent situation it is very important for us to make plantation and grow plant not only in our garden, locality, Jungle even inside our house and apartments also. American space agency NASA also recommended air purifying indoor plants to purification of air naturally.
There are lots of plants are there who provides oxygen not only in day time even night also. It is due to special type of photosynthesis system that they have.
In this category first name is “Aloe Vera”.
Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is a very famous name in the plant segment. It has innumerable beneficial properties and in India it has been used from a long time especially in Ayurveda practice. The Aloe Vera plant is an easy to grow, very attractive cactus like plant that makes for a great indoor companion. Everyone knows the beauty application benefits of Aloe Vera. But many of us don’t know that Aloe Vera is a very popular air purifier indoor plant also. It sucks the CO2 gas and Toxic Formaldehyde from our rooms and provides most wanted oxygen every time. It also help to reduce anxiety and provide sound sleep relaxation.
Where to place the plant:
Aloe Vera needs bright and partial sunlight to grow faster.
So we should place Aloe Vera plant to full or partial exposure sunlight places
like balcony, wind side and places where regular basis sunlight reaches.
Snake Plant
Dracaena trifasciata,
generally known as the snake plant, is one of the most popular and hardy
species of houseplants. The plant features stiff, plant- suchlike leaves and
can range anywhere from six inches to eight feet height. Snake plants can vary
in color although numerous have green-barred leaves and generally feature a
yellow border. These plants are easy to grow and, in numerous cases, are nearly
imperishable. The plant features stiff, sword-shape leaves and can range
anywhere from six inches to eight feet height. Snake plant can vary in color
although numerous have green- striped leaves and generally feature a yellow
Snake plant is such kind of plant which release oxygen in highest level in night. It also sucks formaldehyde which comes out from AC s. It also controls air born allergic elements and it also controls the humidity level of a room. For new gardeners snake plant is the ideal choice to grow easy and carelessly.
Where to place the plant:
Snake plant can grow easily in defused and direct sun light. So you can put it on dining table, Corner of rooms, wash rooms and even balcony also.
Rubber Plant.
Looking for a compact, low-maintenance, tropical-looking houseplant? You can't go wrong with the baby rubber plant.
If you asking for a plant of easy maintenance bonsai look
indoor plant I will recommend you baby rubber plant. It is evergreen tropical
plant and indoor grow up to 3m height. It is not an expensive plant. It can be
growing easily and the plant has air purification properties as well as it has
anti-inflammatory properties also. Put one baby rubber plant on the top of Tv
unit and see the regular changes of the interior.
Where to place the plant:
Rubber plant can grow easily in defused and direct sun light. So you can put it on dining table, Corner of rooms, wash rooms and even balcony also.
String of Perl
String of Perl is a delightful house plant with fragile
leaves formed like peas/pearl strings around ¼ inch in breadth. The leaves
develop on following stems that smoothly spill over the sides of grower and
hanging bushels similar as the series of rubies succulent. Mainly found in South
Africa. The plant develops from feeble surface roots, creating following stems
up to three feet in length on the ground which can root where they contact soil
to frame thick mats.
The string of pearls indoor air purifier. Indoor air contamination is one of the central issues that might cause asthma, wooziness, weariness, sickness, and loss of concentration. Be that as it may, string pearl plants add excellence to the indoor climate as well as purging the air and eliminating poisons.
Where to place the plant:
String of pearl plants do not like direct sunlight and they
will get scorched. In spite of direct sunlight , this plant needs a lot of
bright light throughout the year.
Peace lilies
Peace lilies are tropical, evergreen plants that flourish with the timberland floor, where they get dappled daylight and steady dampness and moistness. The peace lily is a flowering tropical plant having huge, shiny, oval leaves. Peace lilies are by and large developed as pruned houseplants but also gowned in garden with plenty of shade from direct sunlight and must be moist areas. The Peace lily's importance is related with compassion, mending, freshness, immaculateness, and — normally — harmony. The plant is regularly given as a gift to the people who have lost a friend or family member.
Peace lilies indoor need a touch more filtered sunlight.
Dining place or Living area beside the large windows are the perfect position
for this plant.